The spirit of the oral African traditional narratives that described the origin of celestial entities and their energetic influence over the consciousness of man is finding new form of expression in cinema sub-genre, Astromythic. Cultures require a language in which to represent themselves. The cinematic language of compressing space to stage complexities of multi-dimensional realities, is in high resonance with the critical need for the evolution of systems of organized knowledge and aesthetics in Africa.
African oral traditions relied on their history of anthropomorphic deities who exhibited scientific principles which mapped out phenomenological properties of the physical universe, and their relationship to human consciousness.
Cinema reinterprets the definitive structures of cultures, and in the process, expands on multiple discourses of representation. At its core, cinema is ritual. A ritual is a memory inducing technique that has the effect of preserving organized knowledge. When you conduct a ritual, you enter states of morphic resonance with the collective consciousness of everyone who has conducted the ritual before.
Araika's Dream may be perceived from the old Mande system of esoteric reasoning as emanations of extra-terrestrial realms encountered during the ancient Dogon ritual, Sigui. This ritual is consistent with the mythical cycles of Sirius B, occurring every 60 years, and explores a material known as Sagala (a form of metal unknown on Earth, theorized by modern science as equivalent to the degenerate and super-dense matter of white dwarf stars).